ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Egyptian Arabic Wikipedia

Okay, so imagine you want to learn about something in Egypt, like pyramids or camels or how to say hello. You can go to a special website called Wikipedia that has lots of information about lots of things. And sometimes, people write the information in different languages because not everyone speaks the same language.

One of the languages that people can use to write information on Wikipedia is called Egyptian Arabic. It's like how you might talk to your friends or family in your own special way of speaking, but it's different than how people in other places talk.

So if you want to learn about something in Egypt in the way that people from Egypt might talk about it, you can go to the Egyptian Arabic Wikipedia. It's like a special part of Wikipedia that has information written in a language that's used in that one place.

Of course, you might need someone to help translate some of the words or phrases that you don't understand, but it's a really great way to learn about different cultures and ways of speaking.