ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eight Banners

Imagine there are eight big flags, each one a different color, and each belonging to a special group of people. Think of it like playing on different teams in a game of capture the flag.

In China a long time ago, there were eight different groups of people who each had their own flag - this was called the Eight Banners system.

Each of these groups was made up of families who shared the same surname, or last name. So if your last name was Smith, you would be in the Smith Banner team.

These banners were used in the military, like armies. Each of the eight banners had a different role or job to do, like protect the emperor or fight in battles.

Over time, people in the banners began to intermarry and the groups started to blend together. Eventually, the system ended but it is still an important part of Chinese history.