ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eighteen Kingdoms

Hey there kiddo! So, do you know what a kingdom is? It's kind of like a big group of people who live in the same area and have a ruler. Now, imagine if there were 18 of these big groups of people who each had their own ruler. That's what we call the "eighteen kingdoms".

Each of these kingdoms was ruled by a king, and they were all located in a place called Ancient India. These kings and their kingdoms had a lot of influence on the culture and history of India.

But here's the thing - these kingdoms didn't always get along. Just like how you might argue with your siblings or friends sometimes, these kingdoms also had their disagreements and even went to war with each other. It was a complicated time with a lot of power struggles and conflicts.

Eventually, some of these kingdoms merged with others and the number dwindled down. But for a while, India was made up of these eighteen kingdoms, each with their own unique culture, language, and traditions.
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