ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

El Dorado

Hey kiddo! So, El Dorado is a really old story about a mythical city of gold that was supposedly located somewhere in South or Central America. Now, a myth is like a really old story that people used to believe in, but it might not be true.

The story goes that there was this king who lived in this golden city and he used to cover himself in gold dust before diving into a sacred lake as part of a ceremony to the gods. The idea of a city made entirely out of gold was so exciting to explorers and treasure hunters that they set out to find it, hoping to become rich and famous.

However, despite endless searching, no one ever found this city of gold. Some people think the story may have originated because there were actual golden treasures and cities built by the indigenous people of South and Central America. Others think the story was spread by the Spanish conquistadors who were looking for riches and power in the new world.

So, while there may have been some truth to the story, we will never know for sure if El Dorado was real or just a myth. But it sure is a fun tale to imagine!