ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Elastography is like touching different parts of your body and feeling how squishy or bouncy they are. Doctors use elastography to look inside your body to see how soft or stiff different parts are.

They do this by using a machine that sends little vibrations or sound waves, like the kind you hear when you clap your hands together, into your body. These vibrations or sound waves bounce off different parts of your body and come back to the machine.

The machine then uses these echoes to make pictures that show how stiff or soft different parts of your body are. This can help doctors see if there are any problems inside your body, like lumps or tumors that might be hard and stiff.

Elastography is a cool way for doctors to take pictures of your insides without having to cut you open. They use it to keep you healthy and make sure everything is working like it should.