ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electrical resistance heating

Hello, little one! Today, let's talk about electrical resistance heating.

Do you know how electricity works? When we use electricity, we move tiny particles called electrons through wires. They need something to move through though, like a metal wire. When those electrons flow through a wire, they bump into the atoms in the wire, which creates heat.

Now, some materials make it harder for the electrons to flow through them than others. That's called electrical resistance. Resistance makes it harder for electricity to flow through the material, which means less heat is made.

But what happens when we intentionally make a material that has a lot of electrical resistance? That's where electrical resistance heating comes in. We use special wires called heating elements, which are made of materials that have a lot of electrical resistance.

When we send electricity through these heating elements, the high resistance turns that energy into lots of heat. That heat can be used to do all kinds of things, like cooking food or warming a room. You might even have a little electrical resistance heater in your room to keep you cozy in the winter!

So, that's basically what electrical resistance heating is. We use materials with high electrical resistance to turn electricity into heat, and then we use that heat for all kinds of things. Did that make sense to you?