ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electrodynamic suspension

Electrodynamic suspension is like magic! It's a way to make things float in the air using electricity. It's kind of like the way magnets can stick together or repel each other without touching.

Here's how it works: When electricity flows through a wire, it creates a magnetic field. So if we have two wires with electricity flowing through them, they create two magnetic fields. Now, if we put those wires close together and make sure the magnetic fields are pointing in opposite directions, something amazing happens.

The two magnetic fields cancel each other out! They're like two kids pushing each other on a see-saw, so they end up staying in the middle. This means that any object placed in between the wires will be suspended in mid-air, just like a magic trick!

Scientists can use this power to create all kinds of cool things like trains that float above the tracks or even levitating lights. It's a super cool way to make things fly without using wings or rockets, just electricity!