ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Inductrack is a super cool technology that helps trains go really fast without using as much energy. Okay, so first we need to talk about magnets. Do you know what a magnet is? It's something that can stick to metal, right? Well, magnets also have special powers when it comes to electricity.

When you move a magnet near a wire, it creates electricity in the wire. This is called electromagnetic induction. Inductrack is built on this idea. It uses magnets to create electricity in special metal plates, and that helps a train move.

Here's how it works: first, there are two rows of magnets placed on either side of where the train will go. These magnets are shaped like a U and are really powerful, so they can attract or repel each other. Then there are metal plates on the bottom of the train that can also attract or repel the magnets because of their electromagnetic properties.

When the train moves, the magnets and metal plates interact with each other using their special powers. This creates a force that pushes the train forward. This force is strong enough to make the train go really fast, but it doesn't take as much energy to do it because the train is not directly using electricity to move.

So basically, Inductrack uses magnets and electricity to help a train move faster without using as much energy. It's like magic!