ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


An electroneurogram is a way for doctors and scientists to listen to the electrical signals that travel through your nerves.

Our body is made up of a bunch of tiny parts called cells. These cells communicate with one another through electrical signals. Have you ever played the telephone game where you whisper a message in someone's ear and they pass it along? Well, your cells are just like that. They pass along messages to one another using electricity.

Nerves in our body help to carry these messages from one part of the body to another. For example, if you touch something hot, the nerves in your fingertips will send an electrical signal to your brain telling it that it's hot and to move your hand away.

An electoneurogram works like a stethoscope for your nerves. Just like how a doctor can listen to your heartbeat with a stethoscope, they can listen to the electrical signals in your nerves using special equipment. This helps them to see if there are any problems with the way your nerves are working.

By recording these signals, doctors and scientists can learn more about how our body communicates and how to fix any issues that may arise. They can also use this information to create prosthetics or other devices that can help people with nerve damage.