Imagine you have different color crayons and each color crayon means something different. With electronic devices, there are tiny parts like resistors that also have colors on them that mean something.
The electronic color code is like a secret code that tells engineers and technicians what values the resistors have. Just like how the color green means "go" and red means "stop" and yellow means "caution", each color on a resistor means a certain value.
For example, the color brown on a resistor means the number 1, the color red means the number 2, and so on. Each color represents a different number and by putting them together in a certain order, we can figure out what the value of the resistor is. This is important because we need to make sure the resistor is the right value for the device to work properly.
So, just like how different color crayons have different meanings, the colors on resistors have different meanings and help us understand how electronic devices work.