ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electronic dance music

Electronic dance music, or EDM, is a type of music that is made on computers and other electronic devices. It's called "dance music" because it's meant to be played at parties and clubs, where people like to dance.

Think of it like playing with Legos. Just like you can build all sorts of things with Legos by stacking different pieces together, musicians who make EDM use special software on their computers to put different sounds and beats together to make a song.

These sounds and beats can come from lots of different sources, like synthesizers (which create electronic sounds), drum machines, and even everyday objects like bottles and cans (which make interesting sounds when you hit them).

Then, they add things like the melody (which is the catchy tune you can sing along to), the bass (which makes your body feel the music), and different effects (like echoes and filters) to make the music sound really cool.

Once the song is finished, DJs can play it at parties and clubs for people to dance to. Sometimes, they'll even remix the song on the spot to create a new version with extra cool sounds and beats.

So, electronic dance music is like building with Legos, but with sounds instead of blocks, and it's meant to make you dance and have fun!