ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Latin freestyle

Hey there little one, have you ever heard of Latin freestyle? Well, it's a really cool way of dancing where people move their bodies in exciting and rhythmic ways to Latin music. But let me explain it to you a bit more simply.

When people dance Latin freestyle, they're usually doing something called "improvisation". That means they're just moving their bodies freely and spontaneously, without planning out every step in advance. It's like doing a dance puzzle in your head and creating a cool new dance on the spot!

The reason why it's called "Latin" freestyle is because it's usually done to music that has a Latin beat, like salsa or merengue. This type of music has a really fun and upbeat tempo that gets your body moving and grooving. And since Latin music comes from a lot of different cultures, there are lots of different types of Latin freestyle dance styles you can try out.

Now, the key to Latin freestyle is feeling the rhythm and letting your body move to the beat. It's all about having fun and expressing yourself through dance. So go ahead and give it a try – put on some Latin music and let your body do the talking!