ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electronic drum

Electronic drums are like regular drums, but instead of making noise with sticks hitting a drumhead, they use electronic sensors to create sound.

When you hit a regular drum, it makes a vibration that travels through the air and into our ears, which is how we hear it. But with electronic drums, when you hit them, the sensors send a signal to a computer or box that makes electronic sounds.

These drums are great because they can sound like a lot of different things, not just regular drums. You can make them sound like a piano, a cowbell, or even a spaceship! Plus, you can play them with headphones so you don't disturb anyone else.

Electronic drums also have some extra features that regular drums don't have. You can change the volume, the tempo, and even the type of sound the drums make with just the press of a button. And because they're electronic, they can record the music you play, so you can listen to it later or share it with friends.

Overall, electronic drums are a cool way to make music and have fun drumming without bothering your neighbors!