ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electronic hardware

Electronic hardware is like a big puzzle that helps devices like phones, TVs, and computers work properly. Imagine building a big Lego castle. You need different Lego pieces to build your castle, and each piece has a specific job. Electronic hardware is like those Lego pieces. It's made up of different parts that help devices work properly.

One important part of electronic hardware is the microchip. A microchip is like a brain for your device. It tells your device what to do and when to do it. A microchip is very tiny, and you need a microscope to see it. Another important part is the circuit board. A circuit board is like a map that helps the microchip send messages to other parts of your device.

One part that you can see in electronic hardware is a battery. A battery is like a food source for your device. It provides energy to help your device function. You need to charge the battery to keep energy going to your device.

Other parts of electronic hardware are called sensors. These sensors help your device detect things in the environment around it. For example, a phone may have a sensor to detect light. The sensor makes the screen brighter or dimmer depending on how bright the room is.

Electronic hardware is very important. Without it, devices wouldn't be able to work properly. It's like having all the pieces of a puzzle but not putting them together properly. We need all the Lego pieces to build our castle, just like devices need all the parts of electronic hardware to work correctly.
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