ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electronic tuner

An electronic tuner is a little computer that helps you make sure your guitar or other instrument is in tune. It's like a tiny robot that listens to the sound you make when you pluck a string on your guitar and tells you if it's too high or too low.

When you play a string that's not tuned properly, the electronic tuner shows you a little screen with a needle that moves left or right to tell you if the note is too high or too low. Your job is to turn the pegs on your guitar headstock to tighten or loosen the string until the needle stays in the middle of the screen.

Depending on the type of electronic tuner, you may have to plug your guitar into it, clip it onto the headstock, or hold it close to the instrument's sound hole. Some tuners can also help you tune different types of instruments, like ukuleles, violins, or even electronic keyboards.

Once you have used the electronic tuner to get your instrument in tune, you can play your music with confidence knowing that it will sound just right!
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