ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


An electropalatograph is a fancy name for a special kind of tool that helps people who have trouble speaking correctly. It looks a lot like a retainer, which is something that some kids wear on their teeth to help them straighten out. But, instead of just staying in your mouth, this tool is connected to a powerful computer that can help you figure out how to make certain sounds correctly.

Here's how it works: when you put the electropalatograph in your mouth, it sits on the roof of your mouth and covers your teeth. There are tiny sensors on the tool that can tell when your tongue touches the roof of your mouth in different places. So, if you want to learn how to make a certain sound correctly, the computer will show you a picture of where your tongue needs to go in your mouth to make that sound. Then you can practice trying to put your tongue in the right place while the electropalatograph helps you figure it out.

The electropalatograph is really helpful for people who have trouble speaking because they might have a condition called "dysarthria". That means their muscles in their mouth and throat aren't working correctly, which makes it hard for them to say certain sounds. By using the electropalatograph, people with dysarthria can practice and get better at speaking more clearly.