ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eleno de Céspedes

Eleno de Céspedes was a woman who lived a long time ago in Spain. She was really special because people thought she was a man! She dressed like a man and did lots of things that only men were allowed to do, like go to school and have a job.

Back then, in Eleno's time, being a woman was very different than it is today. Girls were expected to stay at home, learn how to cook and clean, and get married. They couldn't go to school like boys did, or have jobs like men did.

But Eleno didn't accept those rules. She wanted to learn and be free to do what she liked. So, she pretended to be a man so she could go to school and work as a soldier.

Eleno was really brave and smart. She fought in wars and even saved people's lives. She did all of this while pretending to be a man, and nobody ever found out her secret!

After a while, Eleno decided she wanted to live as a woman again. So, she stopped pretending and went back to wearing dresses and doing things that girls were supposed to do.

Even though Eleno lived a long time ago, she is still remembered today as an inspiration. She showed everyone that it's okay to be who you are, even if it's different than what other people expect.