ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5
Examples: surplus, x86, led, gold, abacus

Elgin Military Museum

Okay kiddo, a museum is a place where we keep things that are important or interesting for people to look at and learn about. The Elgin Military Museum is like a special museum where we keep things that are all about the military.

The military is a group of people who work together to protect our country and keep us safe. They wear special uniforms and have special tools and weapons to help them do their job.

Now, the Elgin Military Museum has lots of special things from the military on display. You can see uniforms, hats, and badges that soldiers used to wear. You can also see weapons like guns and swords that the soldiers used to protect us.

Plus, they have things like tanks and even airplanes that were used in the military! Imagine that, seeing a real-life airplane up close!

So, when you visit the Elgin Military Museum, you can learn a lot about the military and the important work they do to keep us safe. It's like taking a trip through time to learn about history and the people who helped make our world a better place.