ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ellen Eliza Fitz

Ellen Eliza Fitz was a woman who lived a long time ago. She was born on August 19th, 1833. That's almost 200 years ago! When Ellen was alive, she did something very important. She was a scientist who studied how people's bodies work.

Ellen was really interested in how different people's bodies were. She wanted to figure out how to make sure everyone stayed healthy. So, she looked at many different people's bodies and wrote down what she saw. She even drew pictures to help her remember!

Ellen looked at things like how tall people were, how much they weighed, and how long their arms and legs were. She also looked at the color of their skin and the shape of their faces. All of these things helped her learn more about how our bodies work.

Ellen's work was really important because it helped doctors and scientists understand how to make medicine that works for lots of different people. It also helped them figure out how to make sure people stay healthy.

So, Ellen Eliza Fitz was a really smart scientist who studied how people's bodies work. Her work helped lots of people stay healthy!