ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Embroidery machine

An embroidery machine is a special kind of machine that can make pictures or words on fabric. It works kind of like a printer, except it doesn't use ink. Instead, it uses colored thread to make designs on the fabric.

First, you put a piece of fabric in the machine. Then, you choose a design and program it into the machine. The machine will use tiny needles to poke the thread into the fabric, following the design that you chose.

The machine can move the fabric around and change the color of the thread to make different parts of the design. It can also go very fast, so it doesn't take too long to finish the design.

Once the machine is finished making the design, you can take the fabric out and use it for lots of different things. You can make customized clothes, bags, or even decorations for your room!

Overall, an embroidery machine is a really cool tool that helps you make fun and unique designs on fabric.