ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Ok kiddo, let me explain what emergenesis means. You know how a flower grows from a seed that you plant in the ground? Well, emergenesis is kind of like that, but for something that is alive and develops new properties or abilities over time without any genetic changes.

Let's take an example so that you can understand it better. Imagine you have a little brother who is learning to play the guitar. He may not be very good at first, but as he practices and learns more, he gets better and better. This is like emergenesis because he is developing a new ability over time, without any major changes to his genetic makeup.

Another example is your brain, which is constantly growing and making new connections as you learn new things. This is also like emergenesis because your brain is getting smarter without any genetic changes.

So, emergenesis is all about things that develop and change over time, without any major changes to their genetics. It's a really cool process that helps organisms and living things adapt and grow.