ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Emirate of Transjordan

Okay, imagine a really big playground with a lot of different parts. One part of the playground is called Transjordan. Transjordan is like a special area where some people live and have their own rules, kind of like their own little country.

Now, Transjordan was actually a part of a bigger place called the Ottoman Empire a long, long time ago. But then something happened. The Ottoman Empire got in a big fight with some other countries, and the Empire started to crumble, like a cookie that breaks into little pieces.

When this happened, Transjordan became a little bit independent and had its own government. But it didn't last very long because some other countries got interested in Transjordan and wanted control over it. One of those countries was Britain.

Britain was a really powerful country, like a superhero, and they wanted to have control over Transjordan. So they started talking to the people in Transjordan and they made an agreement. This agreement said that Britain would watch over Transjordan and help them with important things, like making sure they were safe and had the things they needed.

After some time, this agreement became official and Transjordan was now called the Emirate of Transjordan. The word "emirate" is just a fancy way of saying that Transjordan was like a special place ruled by a leader called an emir. Kind of like a king, but not exactly.

And you know what happened next? Transjordan started to grow and become stronger. The people in Transjordan worked really hard to make their country better and stronger. They built houses, schools, and hospitals for everyone to use. And the emir helped make important decisions for the people.

But Transjordan was still under the watch of Britain. They were like a big brother or sister making sure everything was going well. Britain helped Transjordan with things like keeping peace and making sure they had good relationships with other countries.

Over time, Transjordan became even more independent. It wanted to be its own country, with its own government and not under the control of another country. And that's exactly what happened! Transjordan got its independence and changed its name to Jordan.

And till this day, Jordan is its own country with its own government, just like any other country in the world. But it all started with the Emirate of Transjordan, where the people worked hard and got the help they needed to build a strong and independent country.