ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Empathy-Altruism is when someone feels a strong emotional connection or empathy with another person, and that empathy motivates them to do something helpful or selfless for that person without any expectation of personal gain.

Imagine if you saw a sad friend who lost their toy. You might feel sad and want to help them find their toy because you care about them and want to make them feel better. Even though you may not get anything in return, you want to do something kind for them. That is an example of empathy-altruism.

People with high levels of empathy-altruism are often more likely to help others and engage in prosocial behaviors, such as donating money or volunteering their time to help those in need. This helps make the world a better place and shows that even small acts of kindness can have a big impact on someone's day.