ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Enchanted Highway

Okay kiddo, have you ever driven on a road and seen big statues or sculptures along the way? That's what the Enchanted Highway is all about! It's a long road in North Dakota where the people who lived there made huge and cool sculptures out of metal.

The Enchanted Highway is about 32 miles long and has a lot of different sculptures for you to see. Some of the sculptures are really tall and some are just plain funny. They can look like animals or even cars that are driving down the road.

The reason it's called the Enchanted Highway is because when the sun sets, the sculptures can look really magical. The colorful sunsets and the big metal sculptures make it look like you're in a fairy tale!

But you can't touch or climb on the sculptures, because they're made out of metal and could hurt you. You can just look and take pictures to remember the fun you had on the Enchanted Highway. So next time you take a road trip in North Dakota, make sure to check it out!