ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

End of slavery in Haiti

Once upon a time, a long long time ago, there was a place called Haiti. In Haiti, there were people who were treated very badly by other people, who thought they were better than them just because of the color of their skin. These bad people made the others work very hard, without giving them anything in return, and treated them very cruelly.

But one day, some brave people decided they had had enough of being treated this way. They wanted to be free and live their lives without anyone telling them what to do. So they started a big revolt, which means they fought against the bad people who were treating them badly.

It was a very hard fight, and many people got hurt or lost their lives. But the brave people didn't give up, and they finally managed to defeat the bad people and take control of the country.

After that, they declared that everyone was free, no matter what color their skin was. That meant that nobody could make them work for free or treat them badly anymore. This was a very big moment in history, because it was one of the first times that people had fought for their freedom and won.

And that, my dear little friend, is how slavery ended in Haiti. It was a very important moment in history, because it showed that people can stand up for what is right and make a change in the world.