ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Endless Quest

Okay, kiddo, an endless quest is like a really long adventure that goes on and on and on without ever ending. Imagine you're on a treasure hunt and you have to go from one place to another, solve puzzles, and overcome challenges to find the treasure. But instead of finding the treasure at the end, you just keep going, finding more and more treasures and challenges along the way.

It's like playing a never-ending video game where you get to explore new worlds, fight monsters, and collect cool stuff. But even after you beat the game, there's still more to do and explore.

Sometimes, people enjoy endless quests because they never get bored and always have something new to discover. But other times, it can get tiring and they might want to take a break and do something else.

Overall, an endless quest is all about the journey and not necessarily the destination, because there might not even be a destination at all!