ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Engine room

Well, a ship is like a big floating house that can move on water. Just like a house, it has different rooms where different things happen. The engine room is like the heart of the ship. It's where the ship's engine is located, which is the thing that makes the ship go forward.

The engine room is filled with all sorts of big machines and pipes that work together to make the engine work. It's a very noisy and hot place, so the people who work there have to wear special clothes and ear protection.

The engine of the ship is like a big, powerful car engine, but much, much bigger. It burns a special kind of fuel, called diesel, to create power. This power is then used to turn the ship's propellers, which are like big fans that push the ship forward through the water.

The people who work in the engine room are called engineers. They are the ones who make sure everything in the engine room is running smoothly and fix anything that goes wrong.

So, basically, the engine room is where the power of the ship comes from, and without it, the ship wouldn't be able to move at all!