ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Engineering Doctorate

An engineering doctorate is a special kind of degree that people can earn after they finish a lot of school. It’s like when you finish high school and then go to college, but it’s even more school after college. People who get an engineering doctorate are really smart and have studied and worked hard for a long time.

An engineering doctorate is given to people who want to become very good at something called engineering. This is when people use science and math to design, build, and make new things. Engineers use what they learn about science and math to create all sorts of things, like bridges, machines, and computer programs.

The people who get an engineering doctorate have to do a lot of research and projects to prove that they are really good at engineering. They also have to write a big book called a thesis that explains all the things they have learned and discovered. This takes a long time and is really hard work, but it’s worth it because they get to be called “Doctor” after they finish. They can also get really cool jobs where they get to do even more engineering and help people by making new things.