ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Enron Corpus

The Enron Corpus is a large collection of emails and other documents that were exchanged between employees of the Enron Corporation, which was once one of the largest energy companies in the world. The Corpus is called Enron and has a lot of emails that people have been able to analyze to learn more about what happened inside Enron.

Think of it like this: Imagine that you and your friends have a secret club, and you write down all of your thoughts and secrets in a journal that only members of the club can see. Now imagine that someone found that journal and read all of it! That's what happened with Enron's emails and documents.

Researchers were able to get their hands on thousands of Enron's emails and documents that company employees had written to each other over the years. These emails and documents were like the secret journal of Enron, and people were able to study them to understand more about the company and what it was doing.

Analyzing the Enron Corpus allowed people to learn about some of the illegal and unethical practices that were happening within the company, including financial fraud and hiding important information from investors. By studying the emails and documents, people were able to piece together a picture of what had been happening behind closed doors at Enron. The Enron Corpus is now used as a cautionary tale for companies about the importance of transparency and ethics in business.