ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Entity Data Model

Imagine that you have a toy box with different types of toys inside: blocks, dolls, cars, and teddy bears. All of these are entities in your toy box.

Similarly, in the computer world, an entity data model is a way to organize different types of things that we want to store and retrieve from a database. Instead of toys, we have tables, which contain different pieces of information, called attributes.

For example, a table called "Customers" can contain information such as the customer's name, address, email, and phone number. Another table called "Orders" can contain information such as the order number, order date, and the product ordered. We can connect the "Customers" table to the "Orders" table using a common attribute such as the customer's ID.

Think of it as a giant toy box filled with different types of toys, each with its own characteristics and they can be easily found and organized. That's what an entity data model is – it helps us store and retrieve information from a database in a structured way.