ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Environmental Dispute Resolution Fund

Well, imagine that when we have a problem with something in the environment, like pollution or harming animals, there are ways to solve that problem. But sometimes it can be hard to decide what the best way to solve the problem is, or some people might disagree about how to solve it. That's where the Environmental Dispute Resolution Fund comes in - it's like a special pot of money that can be used to help people figure out the best way to solve these sorts of problems, by bringing together different people who might have different ideas.

For example, let's say that there is a factory that is polluting a river, and some people who live nearby are really upset about it. The factory might say that they are already following all the rules and that it's not that big of a deal, while the people who live nearby might say that they can't swim in the river anymore and they're worried about their health. So, they might use the Environmental Dispute Resolution Fund to help them figure out a solution that works for everyone - maybe they'll get a scientist to come and study the pollution to figure out if it's really harmful, or they'll talk to people who work at the factory to see if there are any changes they could make to pollute less.

Essentially, the Environmental Dispute Resolution Fund is a tool that helps people work together to find solutions to environmental problems, by giving them resources (like money or expert help) to work things out in a fair and constructive way.