ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Environmental impact of aviation

Okay kiddo, do you remember when we drove to the park and you saw a lot of cars on the road? Well, airplanes are like really big cars that fly in the sky!

Just like cars, airplanes release pollution into the air. This pollution can harm the environment and living things.

When airplanes burn fuel, they release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the air. This can cause global warming, which can make the Earth too hot and change the climate.

Airplanes also emit other harmful gases like nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide. These gases can cause smog and acid rain, which can harm plants and animals.

Another way airplanes impact the environment is by making noise. Have you ever heard a really loud airplane flying overhead? That noise can bother people and animals living near airports, and can even cause hearing damage if it's too loud.

But don't worry, people are working to reduce the environmental impact of aviation. Airplanes are using new technology and cleaner fuels to pollute less. Also, people are choosing to fly less and use other forms of transportation like trains or buses when they can.