ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Environmental migration

Environmental migration is when people have to move from their homes because of changes in the environment that make it difficult to live there anymore.

Let's say you live near the ocean and there is a big storm that causes a flood. The water might ruin your home, and you might need to move somewhere else until your home gets fixed. But what if it keeps happening over and over again? You might start to think that it's not safe to live near the ocean anymore, and that you need to move somewhere else permanently.

There are many reasons why people might have to do this, like droughts, storms, wildfires, or rising sea levels. Sometimes these changes happen slowly over time, and sometimes they happen suddenly.

It's not just individual families that are affected, either. If a whole region is impacted, like if an entire city is destroyed, it can cause a lot of people to have to move all at once.

Environmental migration can be really hard for the people who have to leave their homes. They might have to leave behind friends, family, or a community they're used to. They might have trouble finding a new place to live or a way to make a living in their new location. It can be really stressful, and it's not always easy to adjust to a new place.

Overall, environmental migration is when people have to move from their homes because of changes in the environment that make it difficult or dangerous to live there. It's something that happens more and more often in our changing world, and it can have a big impact on the people who experience it.