ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department

Okay kiddo, let me try to explain what "epidemic prevention" and "water purification department" mean.

Imagine you have a big box with your favorite toys inside it. But sometimes, little bugs called "germs" sneak into the box and try to ruin your toys. So, your mom comes in and cleans the box to make sure the germs are gone.

Epidemic prevention is like your mom cleaning the box, but on a bigger scale. When lots of people get sick from a disease like the flu, it’s called an epidemic. Now, imagine a lot of people get sick with a new disease that nobody knows how to treat. That's really scary! So, to prevent that from happening, some people work really hard to figure out how to stop the disease from spreading.

The epidemic prevention department is made up of those people who work really hard to figure out how to stop diseases from spreading. They have special tools, like medicine and vaccines, to help keep people healthy. They’re like superheroes who fight against germs.

But you know what else makes us sick? Dirty water. Water is something we all need to live. But if we don't make sure the water we drink is clean and safe, it can make us sick. So what do we do?

We have a team of people called the water purification department who work hard to make sure the water we drink is clean and safe. They use special machines and processes to remove all the germs and dirt from the water. It’s kinda like using a filter to remove the bits and pieces from your juice so it’s just the juice left.

So there you have it, kiddo. Epidemic prevention means keeping diseases from spreading, and the water purification department makes sure the water we drink is clean and safe for us.