ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Epigenetics in forensic science

Okay kiddo, let me explain what epigenetics and forensic science are first.

Epigenetics is all about the changes that happen in our DNA, which influence how our genes work. These changes are not permanent, they can be turned on or off by a variety of factors, like environmental exposure or lifestyle habits.

Now, forensic science is a field of science that deals with investigating crimes and solving mysteries based on scientific evidence. Forensic scientists use various techniques to collect and analyze evidence like DNA samples or fingerprints.

So when we talk about epigenetics in forensic science, we are referring to using the changes in DNA that happen due to environmental exposure or lifestyle habits, to help identify a suspect.

For example, if someone was exposed to a particular chemical, their DNA might have epigenetic changes that would not be present in someone who was not exposed to that chemical. These epigenetic changes can be tracked and analyzed, and matched with the DNA evidence found at the crime scene.

This helps forensic scientists in identifying suspects and providing evidence in a court of law.

Hope that helps, kiddo!