ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Erastus of Corinth

Erastus of Corinth was a man who lived a very long time ago in a place called Corinth, which is in Greece. He was a friend of a very important man named Paul who traveled around teaching people about Jesus.

You know how you might have a job when you grow up? Well, Erastus had a job too, but it was a very important one. He was in charge of taking care of the public area in Corinth, which meant he had to make sure everything outside was clean and nice for everyone to see.

Erastus was also a big supporter of Paul and helped him when he went on his travels. In fact, it's even written in a really old book called the Bible that Erastus sent some greetings to the people Paul was writing letters to.

We don't know too much else about Erastus, but we do know that he was a good friend and very important man in Corinth a long time ago.