ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ern Malley hoax

Once upon a time, a long long time ago, some people wanted to play a trick on other people. They decided to create a fake poet called Ern Malley. They made up a whole story about this poet - where he was from, what he liked to do, and how he wrote his poetry.

But the tricksters didn't just stop there - they also wrote some really silly poems and pretended that they were written by Ern Malley. Even though the poems didn't make any sense, some people believed that they were really good because they thought they were written by a famous poet.

Some other people were really angry when they found out that the poems were fake. They thought that it was wrong to pretend that someone was real when they weren't.

So, the story of the Ern Malley hoax is a story about a silly trick that some people play on other people by pretending that someone is real when they're not. It's not very nice to pretend that something is real when it's not, so we should always be careful and make sure we know the truth before we believe something or someone.