ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ernst Haeckel

Ernst Haeckel was a very smart and curious person who lived a long time ago. He studied animals, plants, and other living things to learn more about how they work and how they came to be.

One thing that Ernst Haeckel is famous for is his drawings of different kinds of creatures. He drew many different kinds of animals and plants, and even made up some of his own! These drawings helped people learn more about the different parts of living things and how they fit together.

Ernst Haeckel also had some ideas about how all living things are related to each other. He believed that all living things, like animals, plants, and humans, come from a common ancestor. This means that we all have some things in common, even though we might look very different on the outside.

Some people think that Ernst Haeckel's ideas were not completely accurate or true, but he was still a very important scientist and thinker who helped people learn more about the amazing world of living things.