ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Erysichthon of Thessaly

Erysichthon was an ancient Greek man who did a very bad thing. He chopped down a tree that belonged to the goddess Demeter, who was very upset about it. Demeter cursed Erysichthon with an insatiable hunger that could never be satisfied no matter how much he ate.

Erysichthon couldn't stand being hungry all the time, so he kept eating and eating until he had nothing left to eat. He sold everything he owned and spent all his money buying food, but he was still hungry. He even sold his own daughter just so he could buy more food.

Eventually, Erysichthon was so hungry that he started eating himself. He kept nibbling away at his own body until there was nothing left of him. This was a very sad and terrible ending to an awful story.