ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Escape set

Let's imagine we are playing a game of tag. The person who is "it" wants to tag everyone else. But sometimes, there are things (like a tree or a bench) that you can use to avoid getting tagged. These things are like an "escape set."

In computer programming, an "escape set" is a way to tell a computer program what characters are important and should be recognized as part of the code, and which characters are not important and should be ignored. Sometimes, there are characters that can mess up your code if the program thinks they are part of the code when they are not supposed to be.

An example is the "backslash" character. This character is used to tell the computer that the next character should be treated in a special way. For example, when you write "print('Hello, world!')" in a programming language like Python, the backslash tells the program to treat the apostrophe in "Hello, world!" as part of the text, and not as a signal to stop the text and start a new piece of code.

But, what if you actually want to use a backslash in your text? If you don't tell the program that this backslash should be treated as a regular character, it will think it is part of the code and it can mess things up. This is where the escape set comes in handy. You can tell the program to ignore certain characters, like the backslash, and treat them as regular characters by using a special symbol (like a forward slash) in front of them.

So, the escape set is like a game of tag. It helps you avoid getting "tagged" by the computer program when you don't want to be, and it helps your code run smoothly without any mistakes.