ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Esther Howland

Esther Howland is a woman who lived a long time ago in America (about 200 years ago). She is known for making really pretty Valentine's Day cards. These cards were special because they were handmade and had really cool designs and decorations on them.

Esther was really smart and creative. She came up with the idea to make these Valentine's Day cards and started her own business. She would make the cards herself and then sell them to people who wanted to give them to their loved ones on Valentine's Day.

Esther's cards were so popular that lots of people wanted to buy them. She even had customers from other countries! She was really good at making these cards and her business became very successful.

Esther's cards were special because they showed people how much they were loved. They were like a little present that you could give to someone to make them happy and feel special. And it all started with Esther's creativity and hard work.