ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ethanol fireplace

An ethanol fireplace is like a real fireplace, but it doesn't use wood. Instead, it uses a liquid called ethanol. Ethanol is made from plants, like corn or sugar cane, and it's a type of fuel.

The ethanol is put in a special container in the fireplace, called a burner. The burner has little holes that the ethanol comes out of, and then it's lit on fire with a lighter or matches. When the ethanol burns, it makes flames just like a regular fire.

The fire from an ethanol fireplace is really pretty to look at, and it gives off heat, just like a real fire. But there's no smoke, so you don't need a chimney or any other special equipment.

Ethanol fireplaces are great for people who live in apartments or houses without a chimney because they don't produce any smoke. They are also safer than a regular fireplace because there are no embers or sparks that can fly out and start a fire.

Remember, though, that fire can be dangerous, even in an ethanol fireplace. So, always ask a grown-up to help you light the fire and make sure you follow the safety instructions that come with the fireplace.
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