ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ethiopian Highlands

Okay kiddo, so let’s talk about the Ethiopian Highlands! You know how sometimes we go to the park and there are some parts that are much higher than others? Well, it's kind of like that but on a much bigger scale.

The Ethiopian Highlands are a big area of really high land in the country of Ethiopia. It’s like a really tall and big mountain range that covers a lot of the country. Some parts of it can go even higher than 4,000 meters high! That’s like stacking 20 of you on top of each other.

The Highlands are really important because they are the source of many rivers that run through Ethiopia and even into other countries nearby. These rivers help people grow crops and provide water for animals to drink.

The land in the Ethiopian Highlands is also important because it is very fertile, which means it’s really good for farming. A lot of people in Ethiopia grow crops like coffee, which is something you might have seen your parents drink in the morning.

Another cool thing about the Ethiopian Highlands is that there are many different animals that live there, like the gelada monkey and the Ethiopian wolf. They are special because they only live in that area and nowhere else in the world.

In summary, the Ethiopian Highlands are a big area of high land in Ethiopia that is really important because it's the source of many rivers, great for farming, and home to unique and special animals. It's like a big mountain range that provides a lot of good things for the people and animals in Ethiopia.