ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so imagine you are looking up at the stars at night and you see different constellations, which are groups of stars that form a pattern in the sky.

Now, different cultures around the world have their own stories and beliefs about these constellations. For example, in Greek mythology, there's a constellation called Orion which represents a hunter, and in Chinese mythology, there's the constellation of the Dragon, which is a symbol of power and good luck.

Ethnoastronomy is the study of how different cultures view and interpret the stars, planets, and other celestial objects. It combines astronomy, which is the scientific study of space and celestial objects, with cultural anthropology, which is the study of human cultures and societies.

Ethnoastronomers look at how different cultures use the stars and other celestial bodies for navigation, timekeeping, and religious or spiritual practices. They also study how these beliefs and practices have changed over time and how they vary across different cultures.

So basically, ethnoastronomy helps us understand how people from different parts of the world have looked up at the same sky and seen different things, based on their own unique cultures and traditions.