ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eulerian poset

Okay kiddo, you know how sometimes you have a bunch of things you want to do, but you can't do them all at once? Like if you want to play with your toys, but you also need to eat lunch and take a nap. You have to do them one at a time.

Well, a eulerian poset is kind of like that. It's a bunch of things called "elements" or "tasks" that you want to do, but you can only do them one at a time. These elements are organized in a special way, so that some have to be done before others.

Think of it like a big line of dominos. Each domino has to fall before the next one can fall. It's the same with the elements in a eulerian poset. Some have to be "completed" before others can be done.

What makes it "eulerian" is when there's a special path through all the elements. It's like a special route that starts at one element and ends at another, but passes through every single element along the way.

Just like you have to eat your lunch before you can play with your toys, or take a nap before you can go outside and play, the elements in a eulerian poset have to be done in a specific order. And when you can find that special path that goes through all of them, that's what makes it eulerian.