ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

European Citizens' Initiative

Hey there, little one! Do you know what a petition is? It's when lots of people sign their names to a piece of paper to ask someone in charge to do something.

Well, in Europe, there's something similar called a European Citizens' Initiative, or ECI for short. It's like a big petition that people from all over Europe can sign if they want to ask the European Union (EU) to do something.

To start an ECI, a group of people needs to come up with an idea for a law or policy that they think the EU should have. Then they need to get at least one million people from at least seven different countries in the EU to sign the ECI within one year.

Once they have all the signatures, they can submit the ECI to the European Commission, which is like the executive branch of the EU. The Commission has to decide within three months whether to take the idea seriously or not. If they do, they might come up with a proposal for a new law or policy.

If they don't, the people behind the ECI can try to push their idea through other channels, like talking to their government or organizing protests.

The ECI is a way for regular people to have a say in what the EU does, and it's designed to make sure the EU is accountable to its citizens. Pretty cool, huh?