ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

European Federation

So imagine you and your friends like to play games together, but sometimes you argue about who gets to make the rules. One day, you decide to make a big chart with all the rules you agree on and everyone signs it. From now on, you will follow these rules when you play games together.

Well, Europe is kind of like a big group of friends who live in different countries and speak different languages. Instead of just arguing about rules for games, they argue about how to work together on big things like keeping people safe, having fair trade, and protecting the environment.

Sometimes it’s hard to agree on everything, but some people think it would be better if everyone in Europe could have one big chart of rules to follow. This is called a European Federation. It would be like having one leader everyone agreed on, and one set of rules everyone followed, kind of like a big game of tag where everyone agrees on the rules.

But some people worry that making one big chart of rules might take away some of the things that make each country special. For example, some countries might have different traditions or ways of doing things that could be hard to keep if everyone had to follow the same rules.

So right now, Europe is still like a big group of friends who mostly agree on some things and argue about others. But maybe one day they will figure out a way to have a European Federation that works for everyone.