ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

European Investigation Order

Okay, so imagine you have a bunch of toys in your room, and your mom wants to know if she can borrow one of them. She can't just take it without asking, right? She needs to come into your room and ask you nicely if she can borrow it.

Well, just like your mom needs to ask permission to borrow your toy, sometimes police officers need permission to investigate something that happened in another country. This permission is called a European Investigation Order (EIO).

Basically, if something suspicious happens in one European country and the police there need to investigate it in another European country, they need to ask permission first. This permission comes in the form of an EIO. It's a legal document that allows the police in one country to ask the police in another country to help with their investigation.

So, if the police in France need to investigate a crime that happened in Germany, they would send an EIO to the police in Germany. The police in Germany would then help the police from France with their investigation.

Just like your mom needs to be polite and respectful when asking to borrow your toy, the police officers need to be respectful and follow the rules when sending and receiving EIOs. It's an important way for police officers in different countries to work together and solve crimes.