ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Evacuation of Karafuto and Kuriles

Ok kiddo, so do you know what an evacuation is? It's when people have to leave a place for their safety because of something dangerous.

Well, a long time ago, there were two places called Karafuto and Kuriles. They are islands that are pretty far away from where we are right now. But one day, there was something called a war between two big countries called Japan and Russia.

During the war, Japan had control of these two places (Karafuto and Kuriles). But then, Russia wanted to take them over. So, the leaders of Japan decided that it wouldn't be safe for the people who lived there if they stayed because there could be fighting and it would be dangerous.

So, they told everyone who lived there that they need to leave and go to a different place and that the army would help them. These people had to leave their homes, schools, and everything behind to go to new places. It was hard for them to leave their homes and friends behind, but it was necessary to keep them safe.

That's why it's called the evacuation of Karafuto and Kuriles - because a lot of people had to leave to stay safe during a war.