ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Everything is a file

Imagine your room is filled with different toys like Lego, puzzles, and books. Each of these toys can be stored in different places, like in a toy box or on a shelf.

Now imagine your computer is like your room, except instead of toys, there are different kinds of information. This information can be stored in different places too, but they all have something in common: they are all called "files."

So just like you have a "Lego file" or a "book file" in your room, your computer has files for different types of information like pictures, music, and documents.

When you use a program to open a file, it is like taking out a toy to play with. The program knows how to interact with the information in the file, just like you know how to build with Legos or read a book.

So, whether it's a picture, music, video, or any other type of information, it can be saved and accessed on a computer as a "file." And just like in your room, files can be organized in different ways to make it easier to find them when you need them.